How does hair transplantation actually work?
Hair replacements work by transferring a hair follicle that is resistant to hair loss into the area where you have thinning or balding.
For individuals who are curious about how hair restoration treatments, such as non-surgical treatments and surgical hair transplant procedures, in this post, we will explain how they work. Considering the dynamic nature of genetic hair loss, patients are usually advised to merge hair transplant surgery with non-surgical treatment methods to handle continuous hair loss and shedding to retain and maintain enough natural hair as they can.
Surgical Hair Replacement Treatment
Follicular Unit Excision and Extraction (FUE) and Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) are two known types of surgical hair restoration procedures.
Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT)
FUT is a surgical hair replacement treatment that includes extracting an elliptical-shaped strip of tissue from the donor area on the back and sides of the head. A redesigned trichophytic closure is used to seal the elliptical excision. The strip of tissue is then cut up and divided under a microscope into separate, naturally present follicular units containing one to four hairs. The follicular units are then transplanted into the recipient sites the surgeon has established in the regions of your scalp that are balding or thinning.
Furthermore, FUT is the current name for hair transplant surgery that uses microscopes for slicing the donor tissue and graft dissection. FUT is also known as Strip Harvest Surgery, Follicular Unit Strip Surgery (FUSS), and Microscopically Dissected Elliptical Excision (MDEE). Strip Harvest Surgery refers to the act of removing a strip of tissue from the donor zone, placing it under a microscope, and separating the follicular units into their naturally existing groups. A thin linear scar is left behind after this sort of hair transplant treatment, however, it’s not outrightly visible as your hair covers it.
Follicular Unit Excision and Extraction (FUE)
Follicular Unit Excision and Extraction (FUE) is a surgical hair extraction technique that uses individual grafts to get donor hair. The donor site must be shaved short for FUE to allow the surgeon to see the accessible donor site and single hair grafts. These grafts are then used in Microscopic Follicular Unit Transplantation (MFUT), which follows a similar process as Microscopically Dissected Elliptical Excision (MDEE).
Here your surgeon opens the recipient sites, and the grafts are carefully deposited into the recipient sites at the correct angle and position. This revolutionary harvesting procedure is ideal for patients who want an alternative to the usual FUT method, which involves harvesting an elliptical strip of tissue and dissecting and implanting the grafts into the recipient locations. The FUE hair transplant in Chicago creates minuscule, pinpoint scars all over the donor area, which are hidden when the shorn hair grows back. It takes roughly two weeks to complete this process.
Schedule Your Consultation
When you’re ready to take the next step toward addressing your hair loss, the specialists at Northwestern Hair are here to help. We’ll work with you to evaluate your level of hair loss and to find the most effective treatment for your needs.