Laser Hair Therapy

These are the most FAQs we get about hair transplant

We see a lot of patients for hair transplantation and there are a few questions that we always get asked. These are them.

Hair transplants help to fill up balding or thinning regions on the head. Hair is grafted to the thinned or balding portion of the scalp from denser areas of the scalp or other parts of your body. According to research, around 60% of men and 50% of women in the globe suffer from hair loss in some way. Over-the-counter medicines, including topical treatments like minoxidil  (Rogaine), are often used to manage this.

Another way to restore your hair is to go for a hair transplant surgery. In 1939, single scalp hairs were used in the first transplant in Japan. Doctors perfected the “plug” procedure in the decades that followed. Nowadays, hair transplants are very natural and don’t use plugs. Instead, individual follicular units of 1 to 4 hairs each are transferred.

If you’re considering getting a hair transplant in Chicago, it’s vital to learn all you can about the procedure and its benefits because a hair transplant is a major decision with permanent effects. Here are FAQs about hair transplants you should know.

Is hair transplant a long-term solution?

Hair is moved from the site it was previously growing to the area where it is not growing so that it can develop well and permanently in its new location. However, it’s impossible to predict how far your baldness will go.

Your balding pattern may not be fully established if you are a relatively young guy in his 20s and even 30s. There is no precise technique that can foretell your balding’s future. Your surgeon will consider your family history as well as your present pattern, but there’s no way to know how much more hair you’ll lose in the area of the transplant.

What procedure does the surgeon use to transfer hair from one location to another?

The strip approach is a surgical treatment that involves removing a strip of hair-bearing skin and slicing it into individual follicular units. Follicular unit extraction removes individual follicle units and transplants them into the new region, is another approach to get donor’s hair.

Do I need to have my hair loss diagnosed before receiving a hair transplant?

Yes. Hair loss may be the consequence of follicle infections, drugs, sickness, or stress, in addition to typical male pattern baldness. Consult your doctor about your specific illness before deciding on surgery since hair transplant surgery may not be appropriate or required.

After having a hair transplant, how should I style my hair?

The scars of a well performed FUE procedure are small. The vast majority of people can clip their hair down to a #1 clipper guard, which is 1/8th inch or 3mm. This length will vary on the density and thickness of remaining hairs.

How long will I wait till the hair transplant procedure is completed?

Depending on how much hair is being replaced, the texture of your hair, and the density required for your desired appearance, hair restoration surgery may take a whole day to accomplish.

When I go home, how should I maintain my hair transplant?

During the procedure, a local anesthetic is given. Your scalp may feel uncomfortable the first night, but it should feel close to normal the following morning. You’ll have to sleep semi-upright for the first few 5 days to prevent anything from touching your grafts. You can shower the next day, but you cannot get your grafts wet. Instead you’ll use soapy water.

After a hair transplant, can I keep using other hair loss prevention methods?

Your doctor may prescribe that you begin or continue to take FDA-approved Propecia (finasteride, generic) and topical Rogaine (minoxidil, generic) together with a laser hair treatment to help new hair grow in as healthily as possible and to prevent future hair loss. Because male pattern baldness is a progressive hair loss disorder over time, your hair may retreat and degrade more after your transplant, demanding further procedures in the future.

Are there any risks to hair transplants?

Infections are uncommon problems with hair transplants, and the scalp recovers quickly because of the abundant blood flow. The most common side effect of hair transplant surgery is ingrown hair, which your doctor can readily treat.

How long does it take for me to start seeing new hair?

Between six and twelve months, new hair comes invisibly. As the follicles’ capacity to produce regular cuticle readjusts, the transplanted hair may initially grow in a strange, wiry texture. After 12 months, your hair w ill become smoother and more natural-appearing. Because the regrowth process is slow, the difference seems subtle.

What factors determine the cost of a hair replacement in Chicago?

The cost is determined by the number of follicles required to get the desired outcome and the size of the area to be covered. Some surgeons bill by the graft or follicle, while others charge by the session.

How can I tell whether a hair transplant surgeon is qualified?

Hair transplant surgery is a specialized procedure that requires specialized medical training, competence, and expertise. Select an expert with a proven track record. Also, consider client recommendations.

Reach out to our practice today for your professional hair restoration in Chicago. Our skilled specialists will handle the procedure and you can anticipate excellent results from your hair transplant in Chicago. We are the ideal team for your hair transplant in Chicago. A wonderful experience awaits you.

Schedule Your Consultation

When you’re ready to take the next step toward addressing your hair loss, the specialists at Northwestern Hair are here to help. We’ll work with you to evaluate your level of hair loss and to find the most effective treatment for your needs.