Why should you choose Northwestern Hair?
Must Watch Video About Hair Replacement
FUE Hair Replacement
Is a hair transplant your best option?
Difference between FUE techniques
Is a hair transplant painful?
Ways to conceal a FUE procedure
Should you get PRP during your hair transplant?
The Procedure
What happens during a hair transplant procedure?
Watch Dr. Vinay get a hair transplant
Hair Loss
How much hair am I going to loose?
How many hair grafts do I need?
How do you plan for a natural result?
How many hair transplants can you have in a lifetime?
What should you expect?
How long do transplanted hairs last?
What can I do to ensure a good result?
Difficulties of getting a good result when restoring the crown
Difficulties of getting a good result when restoring the hair line
Healing and Down Time
What is recovery like?
How much down time will I have after a hair transplant?
When can your exercise or be active after a hair transplant?
What can go wrong during a hair transplant?
Maintenance Treatments
Do I need to continue maintenance treatments after a hair transplant?
Best maintenance therapy options after a hair transplant?
Why Northwestern Hair
Why Choose Northwestern Hair?
676 N. St Clair, Suite 1575
Chicago, IL 60605