When you’re deep in the middle of trying to decide whether hair transplant surgery is a good option for you, you might feel overwhelmed by the amount of information and data you’ll have to sort through. One of those is figuring out how long the entire procedure will take.
This factor is important as understanding the hair transplant process can help you feel more prepared for the procedure. There are several different types of hair transplant surgeries, and one way to choose which one to use is by understanding the time it takes for each one.
What’s With The One-Day Procedure System?
That’s right! To give you the best result possible at Northwestern Hair, we only do one procedure a day at our clinic. That’s because hair replacement procedures are permanent, and dedicating each day to attending to a single patient means we can give your procedure all the attention without rushing through.
Now that’s out of the way, let’s look at key factors that play a role in determining how long your hair transplant procedure could take.
The Number of Grafts You Require
Depending on the number of grafts you have, an average procedure can take 6 to 12 hours before completion. The number of grafts you require will vary depending on the length and thickness of your hair. A short-haired person with thinning hair, for example, will require fewer grafts and, therefore, less time to complete his procedure.
Pace Matters
Most times, patients can expect to experience a typical day with average completion times with their hair replacement procedures. At other times, however, the day just develops at its own pace.
While our team of experts will move quite efficiently on most days, we could also take our time and slow things down on other days too. So overall, while the number of grafts you also have gets factored into the equation, we let the day move as necessary, so nothing feels disrupted.
The Uniqueness of Your Case
There are also times during your procedure when we may notice something a little bit different or unique about your case. For example, we might notice that the hairs in the back of your head are thinner than initially expected, or we only see a specific number of grafts in this region.
Whatever the discovery is, we want to be able to have the flexibility to adapt and adjust for them. Should these happen, you can always expect us to deliver the same quality with our procedure as always. However, it usually means your procedure will also take a bit longer than expected or planned from the onset.
So there you have it! Getting a hair transplant can be completed in as little as six hours when done by the right professionals. That’s why we schedule one procedure a day at Northwestern Hair. While you might be with us for a longer period, that’s because we want your procedure to be perfect. Enjoy every part of the process.Schedule a Consult
Interested in hair replacement? Schedule a complimentary consultation with a Northwestern Hair specialist. Choose between comprehensive in-person and convenient virtual consultations.