Causes of hair loss in men and how to stop it?
Everyone’s hair eventually falls out, but for some people, this happens earlier. When men see that their hair is thinning or falling out, it can be a challenging experience to manage. It may make them feel older than they look or even embarrassed in front of their friends. So the question is, what are the major causes of hair loss? What could be causing your hair to fall out? Can you do anything about the problem?
Your Testosterone Levels
Testosterone is a hormone responsible for male characteristics such as facial hair, muscle mass, and body hair growth. When you have low testosterone levels, your body will begin to produce less sebum, an oily substance produced by your sebaceous glands that keeps your scalp moisturized and prevents it from drying out. Remember that testosterone can bind to your hair follicles and causes them to decrease in size over time. This process occurs predominantly in men and leads to the appearance of thinning hair that eventually becomes visibly noticeable as well. Testosterone levels also play a role in keeping your scalp healthy by stimulating hair growth and making sure new hairs replace old ones as they naturally fall out every day. It’s, therefore, no surprise to see that as men get older and their testosterone levels decline, they become more likely to experience thinning hair or bald patches on the scalp (alopecia).Genetics
Genetics also play an essential role in determining whether or not you will experience male pattern baldness later in life. For example, if both parents had receding hairlines or thinning hair, then there is a high probability that their children will experience similar issues when they reach adulthood. Generally, you have two different types of skin and hair on your head; the one from the frontal portion of your head to your crown and the other covering the sides and back of your head. This distinction is important because some hairs have testosterone receptors, and some don’t. While it is unlikely that you could experience hair loss on the sides and back of your head without testosterone receptors, the middle portion — your crown specifically — is at a much higher risk. It could even progress faster depending on your unique genetic makeup. A detailed look at your genetics gives us precise information on which hairs on your head very likely have these receptors, which ones wouldn’t, and what the density of those receptors is going to be. Hair transplant professionals can then use this information to develop a detailed map of your current hair loss situation and could look like in the future.Conclusion
So, there you have it. We have tried to answer some of the most common questions about hair loss, including its causes. As you can see, different causes can trigger hair loss in men. So if you’ve noticed it, the first thing to do is not to panic. The second thing is to consult your doctor and follow the medical advice provided to prevent further hair loss.Schedule a Consult
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