A hair transplant procedure is an excellent way to improve your appearance, but if you are just starting to get used to new hair, it can be hard to know how you should be styling it. Don’t worry! You’re not being paranoid if that sounds like you.
It’s common for patients undergoing hair transplant procedures to have genuine concerns about how they can style their new hair best. In addition, most transplanted patients find that the final result of their procedures — especially during the healing process — is very different than what they were accustomed to before receiving transplanted hair.
The post will make it easier for you by sharing ideas on what you can do to achieve such stunning results on your own. We’ll start by splitting this into two focus areas to answer the question.
Your Collection Site
Your collection site also called the donor area, is where you received your transplant. The eventual scalp area of this site will depend on how much hair coverage was required for your procedure. Because this is where we took the hair grafts out, there’s naturally going to be a much lesser density in that area of your head. So how do you treat the donor area of your head with a haircut? First off, if you had normal density hair to start with and we only took less than 30% of that as grafts during your procedure, you can rest assured that you’re unlikely to notice any visual difference in density. And as long as you maintain a proper aftercare routine as recommended by our specialist doctors, you can keep things the same throughout the recovery process. If you shave your hair down significantly, say to a size one clipper guard or shorter, you might notice some post-procedure scars. These scars will be about the size of a pencil tip and appear like little dots on the affected area of your scalp. Anyone about a distance of 1 foot or closer might be able to notice them. However, they’re not visible at a conversational distance.Your Recipient Site
The recipient site is the area where your new transplanted hairs will grow in. Again, this can be anywhere on your head, but most often, it will be at least in front of the ear, if not all the way up to the neckline. By the six-week mark after your procedure, this section of your hair is already relatively normal. Then, depending on your preference, you can cut, color, or dry them as you wish. Because these hairs tend to fall out between the first and fourth month after your procedure, it may require 6 to 12 months before the hairs begin growing back into place. Once this period is over and your new hair gets back into its normal growth cycle rhythm, you can proceed to treat them as you would your normal hair.Conclusion
To sum up, keeping the hair in the back of your head styled at a size two clipper guard or above after your procedure, you most likely won’t notice any evidence of a recent procedure on your scalp. On the crown area of your head, however, rest assured that those hairs are totally natural, and you can treat them just as you would your other hairs.Schedule a Consult
Interested in hair replacement? Schedule a complimentary consultation with a Northwestern Hair specialist. Choose between comprehensive in-person and convenient virtual consultations.