How to care for your hairs after a hair replacement procedure.
Video Transcript
So, you’re considering a hair transplant, or you’ve already had one, and you’re wondering if there’s any special aftercare after your hair transplant. And the answer is yes.
There’s two different categories of hair health you need to worry about. Number one is basic hair health, your conditioners, your shampoos, your nutrients for your hair. The number two category is your hair maintenance. How do you maintain the remainder of your hairs?
So, in the hair health category, you may have noticed online a lot of people say that when, after an FUE procedure, they’ve had dry, frizzy hairs. And of course, in our office, the answer to that is actually do a procedure called PUE, pilosebaceous unit gland extraction, to [inaudible] the oil gland with the hair.
However, if you just had a normal FUE, you may notice that your hair is a little dry and frizzy. Well, the solution to this is actually using a very light shampoo, something that doesn’t strip your hair’s oils, partnering that with a very heavy conditioner, something that adds a lot of moisture back to the hair, may also add on an oil-containing hair product, such as a pomade. These things all prevent you from stripping more oil away from your hairs, if they may be lacking them, and also adding some more back. Supplementing your hairs with basic nutrients, such as Bio 10, saw palmetto, collagen, is also good for basic hair health.
On the hair maintenance side, we know that hair loss is a progressive process, and we’re going to want to slow this down. So, in our office, we’re going to help you figure out exactly the hair maintenance program that’s fit for you after your procedure. And there are several options to do so.
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