Are hair transplant results permanent?
Hair transplantation is a very reliable and permanent procedure. That’s why it is essential to plan and get right.
It’s possible that when you hear the term “hair transplants,” you’re picturing the clumpy, visible hair plugs. There has been a tremendous advancement in hair transplants, especially in the last decade or so. The first thing a person does when they discover they are losing a lot of hair is attempt natural solutions to stop and restore their hair loss. As time goes on, individuals may conclude that these solutions aren’t enough for them. They begin to think about hair restoration in Chicago as a long-term solution to their hair loss at this point.
What to Know Before Your Hair Transplant
However, you must first equip yourself with as much knowledge on hair transplantation as possible before getting your new look; this includes information on the clinic, its employees, and even the surgeon. In addition to this, you should be aware of a few more things before undergoing a hair transplant. In this article, you have a better idea of hair transplants in Chicago, what to expect and how they’re performed.
What is Hair Transplant?
To understand what a hair transplant is, we must first understand what it is. An outpatient hair transplantation treatment, known as “hair transplant” involves micrografting and transplanting hair follicles from your scalp to parts of your scalp that are receding. Hair transplant outcomes endure for years and years after the procedure is completed. For these reasons, those who have previously suffered considerable hair loss are the typical candidates for a hair transplant.
Is a Hair Replacement Permanent
Some period of time is needed before the new hair follicles can grow into the areas of your scalp where they were transplanted. For the first three months following the operation, some hair loss is completely typical. However, six to twelve months may be required to gain full recovery.
The transplanted follicles begin to develop hair after the healing process is complete, which will fill up the bald regions on your scalp; this is the type of hair that will naturally continue to grow as you age. There is no way to reverse the transplant of the hair follicles; they cannot be returned to their original site. The transplanted hair follicles, like the rest of your hair follicles, have a lifespan. The amount of hair they produce may decrease with time.
Do You Need Another Hair Transplant?
Even if your initial hair transplantation goes well, you’ll likely need more than one treatment in the future. Some patients can require numerous “sessions” of transplant surgery to get the outcomes they want. After their first hair transplant has healed, some candidates opt to try to fill in more thinning areas on their heads.
Why Do I Need More Than One Hair Transplant Surgery?
Androgenetic alopecia, the most common cause of hair loss in men, increases the likelihood of a second operation in most patients. Before having a hair replacement in Chicago, it is best to address this with your doctor.
Another explanation is that some individuals display inadequate growth of transplanted hair even after the procedure is completed; this may not be a result of a poorly-done surgery, but rather because of poor hair growth in the recipient area. Sometimes, there may be a medical or dermatologic problem that has to get taken care of first before moving on to the next operation.
This is only one of the many reasons a patient may need a second hair transplant procedure: misinformation and unreasonable expectations. To give you an idea, your doctor should explain to you that if you want a specific density of hair, it will be impossible unless there is enough hair in the donor location to accomplish it.
Types of Hair Transplant Procedure
Currently, there are two types of hair transplant techniques.
Follicular unit extraction (FUE): In this procedure, the surgeon will use a small punch device to harvest follicles from the donor area. Although the scarring will remain, it will not be as noticeable, and the patient won’t need stitches following this procedure.
Follicular unit transplant (FUT): In this process, a strip of donor skin is taken and sewn up. The donor skin will be divided into tiny units containing one or more hair follicles using a microscope to transplant the hair follicles.
Both types of hair transplantation are regarded to be permanent procedures.
When Do Hair Transplants Becomes Visible
You won’t notice the outcomes of your hair transplant for several months after it’s completed. For the first few months after a hair transplant, you may discover you are losing more hair than usual; This is normal and expected.
Hair follicles from your scalp will begin to emerge when your hair transplant has healed completely. The hair will ultimately grow in and match the rest of your hair in texture and length. A micrograft procedure allows you to trim, style, and color your new hair any way you choose.
How Long To Hair Transplant Results Last
Ideally, your hair transplant will last for many years. The hair follicles may diminish as you become older, but they are likely to continue producing hair for the remainder of your life. A receding hairline will not occur in the same “pattern” if your hair thinning persists. After your hair transplant, your doctor should sit down with you and go through your hair’s future maintenance needs to ensure it doesn’t seem spotty or unnatural.
When Should You Consult Your Doctor?
There may be a medical reason for your hair loss, and you should discuss it with your doctor; this can occur as a side effect of several medical disorders and medications.
Doctors who want to do hair transplants do not usually go through credentialing. Because of this, while deciding on a doctor for this treatment, be sure to conduct your research.
Look for a hair transplant specialist in Chicago. Among the possible candidates are dermatologists, plastic surgeons and hair specialists. Get multiple before and after pictures; speak with a provider about the procedure and process of your hair transplant before making an appointment.
Treatment for thinning hair is possible with the help of a hair transplant. Since they cannot be reversed, hair transplant outcomes are considered permanent. Even yet, it doesn’t imply that the results of your hair transplant will remain the same during your whole life. It’s critical to choose a hair transplant practitioner that knows how to create a natural-looking, long-lasting hair transplant. Call us today to know more about our hair transplant services.
Schedule Your Consultation
When you’re ready to take the next step toward addressing your hair loss, the specialists at Northwestern Hair are here to help. We’ll work with you to evaluate your level of hair loss and to find the most effective treatment for your needs.