Hair transplants for curly hair & why you need a top doctor
Patients with curly hair can have excellent results from a FUE hair transplant, but there are several critical issues to consider. For example, the hair may be curled underneath the skin’s surface, making it harder to retrieve the follicle.
People with naturally curly hair losing their hair may have preconceived assumptions about the efficacy of hair transplants or other forms of hair restoration in Chicago. A common misconception among people is that a hair transplant is best for persons with curly hair. Is there any truth to this, or is it just an old myth?
Curly-haired persons, such as those of African descent, the Middle East, some Hispanic descent, and other ethnicities, had a hard time getting hair transplants in the past. Transection rates were high, but graft survival rates were good, resulting in mixed results.
As a result, the level of satisfaction among patients dropped. However, you can get a hair transplant even if you have curly hair. In today’s world, any type of hair can go for a hair transplant. People with curly hair have an advantage since the curls give the hair the appearance of being thicker, requiring fewer hair transplants to provide noticeable results.
What Is Hair Transplant Surgery?
Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE), is a surgical procedure where hair follicles, or grafts, are extracted from a donor location and transplanted to regions of thinning or balding hair, known as the recipient site. There are one to three follicles in each transplant.
Patients who want to recover their curly hair should use FUE as their preferred method of hair replacement in Chicago. Hair transplant in Chicago surgery has been found to combine the advantages of several different restoration procedures while avoiding the conventional drawbacks of Follicular Unit Transplants (FUT), often known as strip surgery.
Hair texture, on the other hand, can affect your treatment. As you embark on a hair restoration journey, several variables might affect the outcomes you can expect to get. The degree and stage of hair loss, the size of the balding region being treated, the thickness of the hair (fine, medium, or coarse), and your hair type (straight or curly) are all things to consider. In comparison to straight hair transplants, curly hair transplants need a little more complex and meticulous procedure.
Factors Contributing to Curly Hair Loss
Hair loss in persons with curly hair is mostly due to the same hereditary reasons that affect everyone else. Weave and tight braids are also significant causes of hair loss in African-American women, as is excessive or extended hair styling, like weaves.
Benefits of Curly Hair Transplant Surgery
- You get a more appealing physical look
- Confidence boost
- A long-term remedy to hair loss
- Anti-balding solution
- Maintenance is minimal.
- You can cover covering a balding spot with fewer hairs which reduces both the amount of pain and the length of the surgery.
- No stitches or sutures are required, making this procedure the least invasive.
- You get Hair with more volume and density.
Getting Ready For a Curly Hair Transplant
During your appointment, the best hair loss doctor will go over any steps you need to take to be ready for surgery. Patients are encouraged to abstain from smoking for a week before transplantation to obtain the best possible results.
If you need many grafts, the procedure will take longer since the physician must first evaluate how many he needs. For your surgery, he will determine the best technology to use. In addition, he will decide whether to give PRP throughout the procedure.
Curly Hair Transplant Procedure
Here are the steps involved in a curly hair transplant procedure:
- The hairline is marked by your doctor.
- He administers the anesthetic.
- In the back of the head, the surgeon will use micro punches with 3-5x magnification to remove the follicular units.
- The best hair restorer will insert the newly harvested hair with care in the appropriate site.
Special Care Is Needed When Transplanting Curly Hair
There are a few things to keep in mind when it comes to hair transplantation for curly hair. You need to be sure that your hair transplant surgeon is well-versed in dealing with curly hair because it is more difficult to transplant than straight hair.
One study has shown that a skilled surgical staff with curly hair punches may considerably minimize the risk of transection during hair restoration surgery and achieve excellent results to replace the hairline and boost one’s self-image effectively Precaution is required to help minimize keloid scarring while extracting follicular units from African American patients because of their darker skin.
For the first six months following hair transplant surgery, patients with a history of keloids are scheduled for monthly checkups to monitor their healing progress. A series of Kenalog injections may be necessary. The curly texture of African American hair has a unique root pattern. It’s more difficult to harvest grafts from this type of hair than from Asian or Caucasian hair.
Furthermore, the curly nature of African American hair means that the hair’s roots are vulnerable to damage, thus great care and attention must be taken while harvesting donor hair from the back and sides of the head. For this treatment to be successful, a hair transplant surgeon must have a thorough knowledge of ethnic hair types, an acute sense of aesthetics, and a skill for creating hairlines that have crisp, straight borders.
Why Curly Hair Requires Fewer Transplants
Afro-Caribbean hair is thick and wavy, therefore it covers better than straight hair. Fewer hair transplants are needed to provide adequate coverage. FUE can produce excellent outcomes with black hair transplants.
Restoring Curly Hair with an Angled Approach
Whether your hair is wavy or straight, angle placement is critical. Hair must be grown in a way that mimics its natural inclination to guarantee that it grows naturally. So that the individual can continue to comb and style their hair as before.
The donor region can be uncomfortable or numb for up to a week following the treatment. Swelling and redness can also be expected at this period. Two days following surgery, patients should begin gently washing the recipient region to avoid the formation of scabs. Newly transplanted hair follicles may be lost if scabs develop and bind to the hair shaft.
Prescriptions for pain relievers after surgery are not uncommon. For a week to ten days, it’s advisable to take it easy and avoid strenuous activities and workouts. The day following a hair transplant, the majority of patients can go back to work and continue their normal activities. Ensure that you adhere to your surgeon’s exact post-operative instructions.
Expected Results
Permanent resemblance to natural hair is achieved by the use of FUE. However, virtually all of your newly transplanted hairs will fall out due to shock loss in the first few weeks following your operation. During a hair transplant, the hair follicles are subjected to damage, resulting in hair loss. As soon as four months after treatment, you should expect new hairs to begin sprouting and thickening in the treated region.
Schedule Your Consultation
For more information about our hair transplant procedure, reach out to us today at our practice. You can schedule an appointment with Dr. Vinay, our hair loss specialist. Our trusted team will be happy to meet with you and enlighten you about how curly hair transplant really works. With us, you will get excellent and outstanding hair restoration services.