Natural hair replacement results that last.

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Case Studies 

Learn how our doctors make the most difficult cases look amazing forever. 


Case 1: Hairlines – How dense can you go? 


Redefine hairline with high density


1600 grafts in 1 session using Micro FUE



2 days social downtime, 6 months to see results.

Clinical tips

Placing grafts in high density can put patients at risk for not having enough grafts for future procedures. The most important part of this procedure was consulting with a physician and using trichoscopy to calculate future hair loss needs. By knowing how many grafts we need to save for the future, we know how many we can use now and safely be more aggressive with density.

Movies watched during procedure

Our Great National Parks narrated by Barack Obama.

Watch Dr. Vinay’s Commentary

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Case 2: Maximum difficulty – Large area with thin, curly, dark-contrasting hair.


Redefine hairline with high density


1600 grafts in 1 session using Micro FUE



2 days social downtime, 6 months to see results.

Clinical tips

Placing grafts in high density can put patients at risk for not having enough grafts for future procedures. The most important part of this procedure was consulting with a physician and using trichoscopy to calculate future hair loss needs. By knowing how many grafts we need to save for the future, we know how many we can use now and safely be more aggressive with density.

Movies watched during procedure

Our Great National Parks narrated by Barack Obama.

Watch Dr. Vinay’s Commentary

Get Started Online

Schedule a consultation to see 100s of more results.

Take the first step to getting your hair back by speaking with a hair restoration physician. 

Comprehensive In-Person Consult
30 min consult at Northwestern Hospital. ($50)

Comprehensive Virtual Consult
30 min non-diagnositc consult over Zoom. ($50)

Talk to Dr. Vinay Now
Dr. Vinay will call when he’s free next. (10a – 10p)

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Pattern Cutting & Construction

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Pattern Cutting & Construction

Sed porttitor lectus nibh. Vivamus magna justo, lacinia eget consectetur sed, convallis at tellus. Quisque velit nisi, pretium ut lacinia in, elementum id enim. Pellentesque in ipsum id orci porta dapibus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Donec velit neque, auctor sit amet aliquam vel, ullamcorper sit amet lig

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